

Our 2020 Congregational Resolution: Black Lives Matter

Sun. Jun. 14th, 2020

Dearest members and friends of UU Wellesley Hills –

Today, at our 2020 Annual Meeting, the members of UU Wellesley Hills voted unanimously in favor of this congregational resolution:

At this pivotal moment in American history, the Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills publicly declares its collective commitment to promoting greater racial justice. Our congregation resoundingly affirms that Black Lives Matter. We recognize the urgent need for anti-racist education and action and will work toward strategies, policies, and reforms that challenge racial inequality and systemic oppression. Witnessing to our belief in human worth and dignity, we proclaim our intention to enlist our energies and resources in creating a more just and equitable society for all.

The motion was brought to the floor by our Standing Committee. Earlier this week its members had voted (again, unanimously) in favor of the statement as a public response to our national state of emergency following the brutal killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The language was drafted by myself together with the Co-Chairs of our Advocacy & Witness Task Force, which has since the fall of 2017 been holding monthly vigils affirming that #BlackLivesMatter. Those vigils will now become a witness of our entire congregation. I encourage you to join them whenever you can.

Last Sunday, many of you came to the well-attended Wellesley Interfaith Witness calling for greater racial justice in this country. If you missed by remarks then, a recording of “Naming the Unholy” is available online now. Additionally, a recording of “Knowing Good and Evil”, the sermon I preached today on the power of George Floyd’s funeral and the unfulfilled promise of Juneteenth is available on our website. (A video of the entire service can also be found on the site, in case you missed its delayed broadcast this morning.) On our Facebook page and UUSWH Group Share, you will find recommended resources for anti-racist study this June.

Lawn signs have already been placed in front of our church, and this summer, we will hang a banner that testifies to our belief that Black Lives Matter, that they always have and always will. Our vigils and signs and protests are important, but they represent a reminder to ourselves as much to anyone else of the urgent need to advance racial justice in America. We all know that that they mark only a fraction of what is yet to be done.

In the days, weeks, month, and years to come, I expect that UU Wellesley Hills will live ever more fully into its anti-racist commitment. Over time, we will enlist our energies and our resources and one another. Feel free to contact our Advocacy & Witness Co-Chairs Elaine Mittell and Therese Kelly with any ideas you have about this. We must all be actively involved in building a more just and equitable society, one in which there is no doubt whatsoever that Black Lives Matter. So let us help to build that Beloved Community we hope to inhabit…

Yours in faith, hope, and love –

Rev. Kelly

UU Wellesley Hills