

Weekly Plate Collection Bristol Lodge


The monthly plate collection theme for March is Hunger.  This Sunday’s collection will benefit Bristol Lodge and will allow us to continue our long-standing commitment of providing a monthly meal to Bristol Lodge in Waltham.  The organization serves a population of homeless or otherwise disadvantaged men and women. While no longer serving sit-down dinner, they continue to package meals for take out and our dinners remain a favorite of the clientele. Your generosity has been and will continue to be vital in maintaining this effort.  A little extra generosity will go a long way to offset grocery costs which continue to escalate. You will also be supporting Bristol Lodge’s other efforts in providing shelter and basic necessities to those they serve.

To donate, use the Give” page on our website or if you send a check to the church office, be sure to write “BL” on the memo line.

UU Wellesley Hills