

In-person Speaker Event with Dr. Lisa Miller Sunday, November 24th at 2:00pm

Lisa Miller, Author of The Awakened Brain: The New Science of Spirituality and Our Quest For An Inspired Life and The Spiritual Child: The New Science on Parenting for Health and Lifelong Thriving will discuss her work in person on Sunday, November 24th at 2:00pm, at Wellesley Hills Congregational Church.

Whether meditation, walking in nature, reading a sacred text, or praying, there are many ways to tap into a heightened awareness of the world around you and your place in it. The Awakened Brain and The Spiritual Child are part of a conversation-starting saga of scientific discovery packed with counterintuitive findings and practical advice on concrete ways to access your innate spirituality and build a life of meaning and contribution.

The program is for you, grandparents, parents, lay leaders, individuals, and those concerned about someone’s mental health.

Whether you’re looking to dig deeper as a parent, educator, or simply curious, our discussion series will enlighten and inspire you. The same topic is offered at two different times on the same day for your convenience. We encourage you to discover a more profound sense of spirituality this summer. Choose one book group or attend both.  Please register HERE.

UU Wellesley Hills