

Advocacy and Witness Task Force

The mission of the Advocacy and Witness Task Force is to rally public support for policies that further UU principles and to mobilize social action in opposition to policies that diverge from UU values. Our actions may include legislative advocacy, taking public stands on issues, and encouraging deeper understanding of controversial policies. The focus of our energies is often driven by congregation members’ particular passions: we help direct attention to a range of local, national, and global issues, and promote opportunities to learn, to participate, and to contribute. We support and often work in concert with UU Mass Action, a UU-affiliated advocacy organization.

We have been sponsoring a monthly Black Lives Matter vigil since November 2017; many community members regularly join our congregation for a 15-minute silent vigil in front of our church building. In June 2020, our congregation unanimously passed a resolution to publicly declare our commitment to promoting greater racial justice, and we have followed through by raising awareness and funds.

An Indigenous Peoples’ Working Group came under our A&W umbrella during 2022, following the Town of Wellesley’s vote to honor Indigenous Peoples on what was formerly Columbus Day. In June 2022, the congregation voted unanimously to adopt a Land Acknowledgment which the Working Group developed in order to recognize the ongoing erasure of Indigenous Peoples’ experience and culture into the present. We have implemented an action plan to promote greater understanding of Indigenous concerns and contributions.

The Advocacy and Witness Task Force advocated actively for passage of the 2021 Act Creating a Next Generation Roadmap for Massachusetts Climate Policy. The Task Force has also supported efforts of members who have taken leadership to advocate for the passage of Medical Aid in Dying legislation and to run “Get Out the Vote” campaigns.

Please join us! Together, we can make a difference.

UU Wellesley Hills