

Asylee & Refugee Team

The Asylee & Refugee Task Force recently formed to build support for efforts to welcome newcomers to our local area and beyond. UU Wellesley Hills is a member of the Metrowest Asylee Coalition, a group of congregations which is sponsoring a West African family seeking asylum in the US. We raise funds through plate collections to help meet their basic needs. Our donations also fund the legal assistance they require to pursue asylum. The Coalition aims to provide financial support for the family for two years, along with volunteer accompaniment. Our UU Wellesley Hills Task Force advertises opportunities to provide concrete assistance to the parents and their two young boys; to date, we have been able to help with transportation and translation.

In addition, our Asylee & Refugee Task Force raises funds to support local efforts, led by Temple Beth Elohim, to welcome refugees from Afghanistan. We are also sponsoring plate collections on behalf of Ukrainian refugees and advertise opportunities to financially support other Unitarian Universalist initiatives, such as ones led by the International Convocation of UU Women and our Louisiana partner church (North Shore Unitarian Universalists).

We welcome YOU, your interest and energies, to help us promote justice, equity, and compassion—and the worth and dignity of every person.

UU Wellesley Hills