

Asylee & Refugee Team

The Asylee & Refugee Team supports efforts to welcome newcomers to our local area and beyond. We provide education about immigration issues, and we partner with other congregations and organizations by raising funds, providing volunteer assistance, and lending our voices to the call for just immigration policies that are in line with our UU values.

UU Wellesley members have recently organized educational programs about local resettlement efforts and the lack of shelter for homeless migrant families in Massachusetts. Our Asylee & Refugee Team has sponsored Sunday plate collections to support Temple Beth Elohim’s New Americans Immigration Fund. We have raised funds for many years to support Flaming Chalice International’s work on behalf of Unitarian refugees from Burundi, Africa who are in exile in East Africa while they await resettlement in Canada.

We have also provided significant hands-on assistance. UU Wellesley members have offered their home to provide a brief respite for a homeless family. A number of congregation members are volunteering their time and talents to help Temple Beth Elohim’s newest arrivals get settled.

We welcome YOU, your interest and energies, to help us promote justice, equity, and compassion for asylees and refugees—and the worth and dignity of every person.

UU Wellesley Hills