

Family Promise Task Force

UU Wellesley Hills is pleased to have been a founding member of the Family Promise MetroWest, one of hundreds of such organizations nationwide that host homeless families in houses of worship united into a local network.  Before the pandemic changed how many things are done, UU Wellesley Hills, along with several other congregations in the Metrowest, would host families in the Family Promise network for a week. they would stay in prepared rooms in our buildings and our group of volunteers would serve meals each night and interact with the families.  Now, the families in the program are housed at a static sight, and the duties for “host” congregations have changed, though making meals will still be a regular part of volunteering for the Family Promise program.

We also provide regular financial support to Family Promise MetroWest, which has contributed to maintaining and expanding their facilities in Natick.

UU Wellesley Hills