

Getting Connected 

Here at UU Wellesley Hills, “Our mission is to build a community of faith that inspires spiritual growth, just and responsible action, and lives of compassion, purpose, and hope.” We build that inspirational community of hope by strengthening the connections between us — by being together and by doing things that really matter to us. We also open ourselves up by embracing newcomers and welcoming visitors in our midst.

We take care of each other in times of need, go on retreats, collaborate in doing the work of the congregation, learn from one another, help with fundraisers, take service trips, unite in social action, volunteer our time, form deep bonds in small group discussions, share in worshipful experiences, and mark major milestones together. By sharing the substance of our lives and delighting in each other’s company, we discover the enduring value of belonging to a faith community that spans generations. In forming closer relationships, we both identify our common goals and come to respect our individual differences.

UU Wellesley Hills