

Meet Your Trustees: Sally Watts


Throughout the fall months, we’ll be profiling all seven members of our Board of Trustees. This week, we feature Sally Watts. Sally and her husband Rick became members of UU Wellesley Hills in October 2018, shortly after moving to this area, and Sally joined the UUSWH Board in June 2020. As a Trustee, she holds the Leadership Development portfolio.

The Wattses live abutting the Fuller Brook in Wellesley, and have two adult daughters. One of them, Theresa, lives in town with he husband and two children; another, Jennifer, lived in Sweden with her husband and children. Sally met with our Board Chair Kathy Coolidge to answer a few questions about herself.

Q. What brought you to Wellesley?

A:   Rick and I moved to Wellesley from the Washington, D.C. area in 2018 in order to be closer to our daughter because of Rick’s challenging and serious health condition. In February 2019, Rick had a double lung transplant. He did very well over the first year and was able to walk to church from our house! But, he continues to have challenging medical concerns and is followed closely by the medical staff at the Brigham.

We’ve found the Caring and Companioning team of the church to be very supportive and helpful to us during this really complicated and difficult time.

Q. Tell me more about your former church and your history with Unitarian Universalism.

A:   I’ve been a UU since my early teens. Rick and I have been active in the UU church since our kids were really little. The church has been an important part of our lives. I feel like I’m following in my parents’ footsteps — they were very active in their UU Fellowship.

I was in many leadership positions in my former church, including Board Chair, and Buildings and Grounds, when we put an addition on to our church. Of course, I’ve always been part of Choir, Religious Education, Stewardship, Social Justice issues (especially race and immigration), and many others.

Q. What kind of work did you do in Washington?

A:   I was a lawyer with the Department of Housing and Urban Development for 28 years doing defensive litigation and writing regulations for HUD programs for most of my career. We loved living in DC—that’s where Rick and I met!

Q.  How was the transition to Wellesley?

A:   One of the good things about Wellesley is that it’s easy to become involved in civic activities. I’m a member of the League of Women Voters, Building a Better Wellesley, participated in the citizen feedback on the development of the 2019 Housing Production Plan in town, and have attended meetings of groups like the Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Adjustment, and Town Meeting. Rick and I like being active and we like being outdoors!

Q. What is your role on the UUSWH Board? Which is your portfolio and how did you feel about being asked to serve?

A:   I was asked by Kathy Kaufmann from the Nominating Committee (although I was initially approached and “warmed” to the idea by Karen Mariscal). My first reaction to being asked was that I needed time to think about it, given all the challenges of Rick’s health but then I said yes, of course! I believe strongly in this congregation and its members.

My portfolio is the liaison from the Board to the Leadership Development Committee (LDC, formerly the Nominating Committee). We need to identify members who want to serve in leadership positions—coming up this year is our finding a replacement for Betsy Taylor who has served for 6 years (valiantly)!

We also want to support leadership training and share best practices. I feel lucky to be working with LDC members who have long, steady ties to the congregation and who are also very dedicated—Tricia Johnson, Vic Polk and Molly Walsh.

Q. What’s most important in your life right now?

A:   My family, first and foremost, then exercise, civic engagement and church.