Music has long been a cherished component of worship at UU Wellesley Hills. Each week, a range of music complements and enhances the service. Organ, piano, and choral music make up the bulk of our Sunday offerings, supplemented by guest instrumentalists and several artists-in-residence.
You need not be a member of the congregation to participate in any of our musical ensembles! We welcome all who wish to sing and make music with us. No experience is necessary! For more information about the music program at UU Wellesley Hills, please contact our Director of Music, Suzanne Cartreine, at
Rehearsals on Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:45 pm, and
Sundays, 9:00 am, three times per month
UU Wellesley Hills has a rich choral heritage. Our Choir sings a broad range of repertoire, drawn from the last eight centuries and representing a variety of cultures, languages, and musical styles. Rehearsals are designed to be engaging, challenging, and enjoyable – a respite from your busy week. People of high-school age and older are welcome, regardless of experience. Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening in the Sanctuary. We sing for services most Sundays, with a warm-up rehearsal at 9:00 am and the support of professional section leaders.
Not a Singer?
If you play an instrument and would like to contribute music to a service, please contact Suzie. There are opportunities to play with the choir, and to present solo preludes or meditation music (piano or organ accompaniment available). Your generous sharing of talents will be greatly appreciated.