

Music in Worship

Music has long been a cherished component of worship at UU Wellesley Hills. Each week, a range of music complements and enhances the service. Organ, piano, and choral music make up the bulk of our Sunday offerings, but there are supplemented by guest instrumentalists and our various artists-in-residence, including the NOTA a cappella group.

You need not be a member of the church to participate in any of our musical ensembles! We welcome all who wish to sing and make music with us. No experience is necessary! Offerings like our Choir 101 course can make music seem more accessible and less intimidating for everyone. For more information about the music program at UU Wellesley Hills, please contact  our Director of Music, Suzanne Cartreine, at music@uuwellesley.org.



Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:30 pm

Sundays, 9:15 am, 3 times per month

UU Wellesley Hills has a rich choral heritage. Our Choir sings a broad range of repertoire, drawn from the last eight centuries and representing a variety of cultures, languages, and musical styles. Rehearsals are designed to be engaging, challenging, and enjoyable – a respite from your busy week. People of high-school age and older are welcome. Absolutely no experience is necessary! Rehearsals are held every Wednesday evening from in the Sanctuary. We sing for services most Sundays, with a warm-up rehearsal at 9:15 am.


Flash Mob Introit Choir

Random Sundays, 10:00 am

The lowest-possible choral commitment! On certain Sundays throughout the year, we will have a “flash mob” introit choir. Show up at 10:00 am in the Sanctuary to learn a beautiful, simple piece to be sung at the beginning of the service. The full Adult Choir will be there already, but we love having lots of other singers join in! Having rehearsed for 15 minutes, you can then enjoy tea and a mini, pre-church social hour with the rest of the choir. All ages welcome and no experience is necessary! Look for the announcement in the UU Wellesley Hills Weekly Update and come sing with us!


Youth Choir

Several times a year, UU Wellesley Hills youth are invited to provide music for a service, rehearsing the three Sundays prior. Children who sing or play instruments are invited and encouraged to share their talents with the congregation. Singing in a children’s choir can launch a lifetime of music-making! Friends from the greater community are warmly welcomed.


Sunday Choir

Once a month, the Sunday Choir provides music for a service. We meet for a single rehearsal the day of the service. All are welcome to join in! Absolutely no experience is necessary. The music will be easy to learn in one hour. Please come, and bring your family and friends. Children are welcome too! It is fine to just show up, though it is helpful if you can let Suzie know in advance.


Choir 101

This is an Adult Education class for anyone interested in choral singing. This course will give you a head start (or refresher) on basic music terminology and symbols. We will also explore our voices and cover the rudiments of sight-singing in a small, supportive group setting. This course is by no means a requirement for joining the Adult Choir; it is merely offered as a stepping stone for those who wish it. Singers high school age and older are welcome! Please contact Suzie Cartreine for more information. Choir 101 is offered every October and by request.


Not a Singer?

If you play an instrument and would like to contribute music to a service, please contact Suzie. There are opportunities to play with the choir, and to present solo preludes or meditation music (piano or organ accompaniment available). Your generous sharing of talents will be greatly appreciated.