Does reverence take a direction? Does it point us toward things and away from them? Does it lead us up ahead or push us from behind? How does it serve as a guide alongside our lives?
Hear Senior Minister the Rev. Dr. Kelly Murphy Mason preach her sermon “Life of Reverence.” This sermon was given Sunday, October 24th.
“The ripeness that our development must aim at is one which makes us simpler, more truthful, purer, more peace-loving, meeker, kinder, more sympathetic,” Dr Scweitzer wrote. “That is the only way in which we are to sober down with age.”
According to him, when we finally sober down, we replace our youthful idealism with something that is “full-grown” instead, full-grown and sturdier. Imagine yourself full-grown. Whatever your age is, imagine your soul full-grown. Imagine it alongside the other full-grown souls that your fellow sojourners are in possession of today. What do each of you individually revere? What do we revere collectively at UU Wellesley Hills? What does any of us UUs revere without reservation? The lives we lead answer the questions we routinely ask ourselves.
So pose this one now. What do you revere? Pose it once more. Pose it time and time again, and all the days of your life.