

Social Gatherings 

Men’s Breakfast Club

Connection is at the heart of the UU Wellesley Hills community. A quick greeting in the Sanctuary during services can become an extended conversation during the Fellowship Hour that follows. While we hold most gatherings at our expansive and welcoming campus, we also have off-site gatherings and a variety of Zoom sessions.

Food is the common denominator for most social times. On-campus activities include weekly Fellowship Hour in Parish Hall, occasional evening potlucks where people share their specialties, and courtyard cookouts. Rummage sale workers pause mid-week for a spaghetti dinner at a long communal table surrounded by clothes racks. Circle Suppers bring 6-10 guests into hosts’ homes for unhurried evenings; newcomers to the congregation find these cozy gatherings particularly conducive to deepening connections.

UU Wellesley Hills also supports interest groups, often organized by members. The Men’s Breakfast Club offers men a chance for “guy talk” with each other and the minister; it usually meets at the Maugus Restaurant across the street, on the first Monday of each month. Story Time is an hour-long Zoom meeting during which people respond to a memory prompt, telling stories that may not have been shared even among long-time friends; it generally meets on a Sunday evening once a month. Members have also bonded over crafts and books, in person and on Zoom.

UU Wellesley Hills