Spiritual Growth
“Spiritual growth” is a cultivation of connections — to other people, to the natural world, to the “universe” – that helps us lead lives of love, ethics, and respect. UU Wellesley Hills creates a space for such cultivation in the Sanctuary and draws on the wider Unitarian Universalist denomination, but we also have a long history of nurturing small groups to deepen relationships and explore topics in settings of trust.
Soul Matters
The Soul Matters program brings themes and resources to a “sharing circle” of 145+ Unitarian Universalist congregations. At UU Wellesley Hills the program is most visible through Spiritual Growth small groups. This is our second year using the Soul Matters structure. During the 2023-2024 church year, groups explored “The Gifts of Our Faith” and how they shape us and in turn help shape the world.

For 2024-2025, the annual theme is, “The Practices of Our Faith,” an exploration of how we are called to act on our values. The monthly topics for the church year are “The Practice of ___”
September: Invitation
October: Deep Listening
November: Repair
December: Presence
January: Story
February: Inclusion
March: Trust
April: Joy
May: Imagination
June: Freedom
Spiritual Growth group meetings are held on Zoom and explore the month’s topic through activities and discussion.
Gifts of Gratitude Group
The Gifts of Gratitude group grew out of a minister-led book discussion of The Way of Gratitude: A New Spirituality for Today by Rev. Galen Guengerich. Four sessions was not enough to explore all the ways that gratitude practices and an attitude of gratefulness can lead to a happier life, and the group has continued for several years. Though sessions are staff-facilitated, group members often choose readings and musical offerings to frame a session. For the 2024-2025 program year, the group is discussing No Time Like the Present: Finding Freedom, Love, and Joy Right Where You Are by Jack Kornfield, which offers fresh insights into how to feel fulfilled even amid challenges.
Zoom meetings take place on the second Tuesday of the month.
Buddhist Meditation Group
A key part of spiritual development is cultivating openness to new perspectives. An ongoing Buddhist Meditation group emphasizes a Beginner’s Mind to tap the benefits of this practice. It is open to experienced and new meditators alike. Drop-ins are welcome! All you need to bring is your curiosity and wonder. In-person sessions are led by our Intern Minister, Terry Dixon, and are held every other Tuesday from 11AM to noon. Please check the church calendar for the schedule.
Pub Theology
New setting, new ideas! Beautiful as the UU Wellesley Hills campus is, conversation flows differently in a casual, off-site watering hole. “Thirsty Theologians” should expect to have open-ended, spiritual exchanges on topics including the new Shared Values that the UUA General Assembly approved in a rework of Article II. This monthly gathering has become a very popular opportunity for connection. Please check the church calendar for information about the next gathering.