

Join us for Worship this Sunday, January 12, at 10:30AM

“If These Walls Could Talk”
Nicky Gumbel writes, “Church is not an organization you join; it is a family where you belong, a home where you are loved  and a hospital where you find healing.”  For many, church becomes a regularly scheduled weekly activity, like getting your hair cut or going to the grocery store. But why do we attend church at all?  What deeper truths does church allow us to  explore as we tell our stories and gather in community?

Come into our Sanctuary or connect with us on Facebook Live through our Facebook page or by finding a link on our website.

Fellowship Hour in Parish Hall follows the worship service. For our online Fellowship, a link to the Zoom Room is posted to our  website calendar and sent in the Sunday morning message.

Complimentary Childcare is now available from 10am-noon every Sunday.



UU Wellesley Hills