

Join us for Worship this Sunday, March 23rd at 10:30AM

“Saying Yes to Hope”

Jonas Salk wrote, “Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.”  Yet there are times in our lives when hope can be elusive. How do we, as people of faith, reclaim the blessing of hope?  How can we support each other with hope as we move forward in the world?

Come into our Sanctuary or connect with us virtually.  Please note that we have switched our streaming platform from Facebook to Zoom.  The Zoom link is posted to our  website calendar and sent in the Sunday morning message.

Fellowship Hour in Parish Hall follows the worship service. For our online Fellowship, a link to the Zoom Room is posted to our  website calendar and sent in the Sunday morning message.

Complimentary Childcare is now available from 10am-noon every Sunday.



UU Wellesley Hills