

UU Partners

Warm Welcome from our Transylvanian Partner Church

UU Wellesley Hills has a long history of helping to create and support Unitarian Universalist organizations. When our former minister and his wife, Waitstill and Martha Sharp, helped refugees escape Nazi persecution in Europe, they laid the foundation for the launch of the Unitarian (now UU) Service Committee. We maintain partnerships with local, national and international Unitarian/Universalist groups that work to affirm and promote our progressive values and religious principles. In doing so, we commit to furthering the cause of social justice everywhere.

Our current affiliations include membership in or partnership with the UU Service Committee (UUSC) the UU Urban Ministry (UUUM), UU Mass Action, and the Unitarian Universalist Association’s Office of Global Connections and Emerging Communities. Our global connections include our Unitarian Partner Church in Torockó, Romania, and the Unitarian Church of Burundi, Africa. We routinely support all of these organizations and initiatives through plate collections funding their work. Additionally, we contribute regularly to the UUA’s Disaster Relief Fund to provide emergency assistance to congregations and their members across the US.

In addition to raising funds, we support our UU partners through our presence. UU Wellesley members serve on the board and various task forces of the UU Urban Ministry. During the holiday season, we deliver our “Undecorate the Tree” gifts to Roxbury-based UUUM program participants. We participate in exchanges with our Transylvanian Partner Church, sending delegations to Romania and welcoming their minister to our pulpit. And we collaborate with UU Mass Action to advocate for legislation addressing climate, immigration, and racial injustice, along with Indigenous rights.

Our longstanding connections with our partners in faith fuel a sense of pride and ever deeper commitment to our shared values.

UU Wellesley Hills