

Who We Are

UU Wellesley Hills, formally and historically known as the Unitarian Universalist Society of Wellesley Hills (UUSWH), is a dynamic and historic congregation that gathers diverse spiritual seekers from Wellesley and neighboring towns. Our shared mission is to build a community of faith that inspires spiritual growth, just and responsible action, and lives of compassion, purpose, and hope.

We attract believers, seekers, and doubters alike. While we cherish our free church tradition, we remain progressive and forward-thinking. We are a Welcoming Congregation that celebrates the presence of LGBTQ+ folks, a Green Sanctuary that works toward environmental sustainability, and an active participant in the U/U Global Network, striving for the goal of a world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

Like other UU congregations, UU Wellesley Hills is self-governing and committed to democratic principles. While we are sometimes referred to as a “church,” UU Wellesley Hills is actually part of a liberal religious tradition that draws people from many different backgrounds. It can feel like an especially hospitable place to multi-faith families and individuals.

There’s much to admire in the character and commitment of our friends and members — not only the work we have done together, but the strength of the bonds among us and the sure support we extend to one another. We are always eager to embrace new people in our inspiring community of faith.

UU Wellesley Hills